Sunday, June 15, 2008

Where are your eyes?

So- I wrote the other day about my friend hit by the car. Turns out, the young guy who hit her is 22. He had just left a doctors appointment where he found out that his cancer had returned. He looked down for a moment while driving.....and look what happened.

So after hearing this I started thinking about my driving. The past 2 days I have noticed just HOW MANY times I look down. Whether to grab a cd, check a text, or rummage in my purse..........Try it yourself for a couple of days. You will most likely be as amazed as I am at the amount of time your eyes are NOT on the road. It is by pure luck (more likely the grace of God) that I have not hit anyone or anything..............

On happier notes:

1. My brother, mom, dad and I went to a good lunch today for Father's Day. Unfortunately, the Crohn's kicked in- but I did manage to sit at the table long enough to eat half my sandwich. It was a nice time....and ruebens rock!

2. The washer is fixed!!!!! AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3. I got to spend a couple of hours at the pool this afternoon with Chuck and the boys. I LOVE being able to see the world through a child's eyes- if for just a moment.

4. Gas is still under 4$ a gallon here. I paid 3.79 today!

5. I see the doctor again tomorrow at 2. Please say a prayer!

Until then......

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