Friday, February 29, 2008

DUI checkpoints and other fun detours....

1. Tonight I met some friends at Chiefs for a late dinner.....but they were charging a $5 cover to listen to some 'country rock band'. Needless to say, I did not get my much heralded Buffalo Chicken Wrap. We walked out and went to O'Charleys.

2. On the way home I come up to........the dreaded DUI checkpoint. LIBERATING! I cruised right up.......and didn't have to: a) throw my seatbelt on quickly b) turn my radio down c) put gum in my mouth or d)pray a foxhole prayer. It made my night! I chatted with the officer......who was very friendly.....gave him my license....HE GAVE IT BACK.....and went along my way. (I won't go into details on how some moron at the intersecting street then nearly hit my car as he ran the light....with my window still down and officers everywhere.....I did swear at him. oops! I'll try better next time:)

3. My face is flipping peeling off! I currently have Neosporin slathered all over my lips. ATTRACTIVE.

4. I also heard from the hospital today. I have to be there at 7:30 Monday morning for the scope. They are putting me out for it so it isn't a repeat of last time! Thank God. So.....I will be abstaining from food.....and nourishing my body with clear fluids and Fleets Phospho Soda in prep for the "big dig" monday.

To thine own self be true.......

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Blessings in everything. Just open your eyes.

I got my new prescription filled for a Crohn's med....Yesterday when I dropped it off I asked the pharmacist how much it would be and he commented '$ have really good insurance". I really didn't think much of it until today when I got to Publix and picked it up. As I was walking out to the car, I read the info sheet they give you. At the top it said "Your plan saved you $397.15". WHAT? So pretty much a two month supply is almost $440?? As much as I like to moan at paying almost 400 a month for COBRA (through my previous job) ..... it payed for itself today! What gets even better, I will be switched to my work insurance in April........same plan and everything! For this "Crohnie"......another blessing.

So then I got to in the world do people pay for this stuff uninsured? I suppose through the government or through discounts from the manufacturers (think Montel Williams commercials). I can't imagine the worries that occur when people need these medications to stay alive or to keep some quality of life -- to then have to battle on a monthly basis to get them at a free or reduced cost.

What a minor and insignificant gripe I have had for several months forking over that ridiculously large check to keep insurance coverage. What a huge amount of gratitude I have tonight that I am able to do so.


Monday, February 25, 2008

Day of Doctors......

I am finally relaxing after the appts. today. Heres the update:

Plastic Surgeon: Going to start at home Obagi peels on Weds. to be followed followed by a surgery in a couple months, then followed by a Obagi blue peel. So I will have skin like a baby's bottom in no time. :)

And, speaking of bottoms.....

GI; Hold on to your pants for this one. I am scheduled for another super duper fantastic Colonoscopy. That fun will be a week from today at 8:00 am. The doctor was awesome....he even gave me a hug before I left......there definitely should be more docs like that....I haven't seen any specialist with bedside manner in a LONG time. You want to know what made my day? I get to "prep" with the same stuff I prepped with at U of Michigan.....2 little tiny bottles of Phospho Soda. None of the 4 gallons of 40 pills to swallows.....Its the little things boys and girls!!!!
But, speaking of mass pills to swallow.....he put me on some Crohn's medication to hopefully help out the symptoms but I have to take an obscene amount of them a day. You win some, you lose some I guess.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Sunday night thinking....

1. Last night was ladies night out......we ditched the guys, saw Vantage Point, and hit up some Chiefs for some AWESOME buffalo chicken wraps.....and then finished it off with a brownie sundae....As for the movie: GO SEE IT! Photobucket
2. Ladies night.....we need to do it more often. It was great!
3. Tomorrow, (I am off) I have a day of doctor appts. scheduled. JOY! Seeing the plastic surgeon at 9 (more on that later) and the GI at 2. Say a prayer please:). The GI visit is important as they are going to be checking up on the Crohn's disease and seeing about the Yersiniosis.
4. Church rocked today. It was all about keeping your priorities as they should be. God first, family second, and your 'purpose' last. So I got to thinking after church. I hear SO MANY people say "What is my purpose in life?", "I am trying to figure out what God's purpose is for me?". In my opinion, I think the "purpose of life" is made abundantly clear to us the day we are called to our eternal home. Thoughout the Bible it is clear that God wants us to serve Him first, serve others second, and serve ourselves last. I think that is the purpose of life here on earth for all of Christ's followers. As long as we strive to strive for His will to be done, and not ours.......we will be fulfilling that which we are here for.
5. I am still eating the flipping Girl Scout cookies.
6. And finally, I am dogsitting again...

But for the Grace of God, there go I.
NOS energy drink...fruit punch flavor.....WONDERFUL!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Attitude of Gratitude.....

Ok so the past couple days, I have felt like chewing certain people's heads off and have been short with many others.

1. What gives ME the right?
2. Why do I set unrealistic, unnecessary, and impractical expectations on others and not understand when they don't reach them?

After praying about this, it dawned on me: my poor attitude was directly proportionate to my level of gratitude. The lower my gratitude- the poorer my attitude. So, it became gratitude list time. I will spare you the details.....but after about 15 minutes of writing down many things......and regaining some humility....the glass is now MORE than half full. Blessings are everywhere- I need to strive to keep my eyes open to see them.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A thought for a beautiful Tuesday morning:



Monday, February 18, 2008

Passing some time until a friend comes by....

1. This past Christmas, I was given the book "The Strength of Character'. It is AWESOME.......pick it up!!! Photobucket

2. I LOVE energy drinks. I am currently dogsitting for a family friend.....WHO DOES NOT OWN A COFFEE POT....(I didn't know that was possible) so I have been hitting up the energy drinks to keep the caffeine headaches at bay. I pose the all important question: WHO DOESN'T OWN A COFFEE POT?

3. I am hoping all the yersiniosis bacteria (look that one times!) is gone. For those who haven't heard, I was food poisoned sometime the week before Christmas which resulted in (what I thought) a stomach bug on Christmas Eve. Fast forward 5 weeks to mid Jan and I was still having issues which I attributed to the Crohn's (look that one up too!) so I visited the dr. Thats right guys- I waited 6 weeks to go. I don't go to the dr. till I have one foot in the ground. After many tests, they realized it was this rare- 1 in 100,000- foodborne illness. And, I even got a phone call from the local health department as this is a reportable illness. But, the good news is that I now have a GI appt next Monday so they can see what kind of damage the bacteria has caused and what the status of my Crohn's is. I suppose this was a way of getting my attention to find a GI- considering I haven't been to one since my diagnosis when I lived in Michigan. Funny how things work. :)

4. Foot rubs are underrated!

Have a blessed evening!!!

The Pursuit of Happyness...

Watched this yesterday. IT ROCKS! Will Smith's character spends most of the movie chasing a job with a brokerage firm. I could relate to this is what I used to do. And the funny thing was- every time I would obtain more money or another promotion- I just wanted MORE MORE MORE. I had to develop and continue developing my relationship with Christ to learn that I was not put here to worship jobs or money. I was created as a child of God- and not a slave to materialism and all that encompases.

This movie absolutely brought me back to where I used to be.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Better late than never.....

So its been awhile.......

The past several months have been absolutely amazing! God is continuing to show me things about myself- both "good" and those "needing improvement". The wonderful part of living in God's will and not my own is that I am seeking His guidance in removing these defects. Little by little, some have been removed and the rest at least improved. After all, today is not about striving for personal perfection, but striving for spiritual progress and continuing to seek His will.