Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Blessings in everything. Just open your eyes.

I got my new prescription filled for a Crohn's med....Yesterday when I dropped it off I asked the pharmacist how much it would be and he commented '$40....you have really good insurance". I really didn't think much of it until today when I got to Publix and picked it up. As I was walking out to the car, I read the info sheet they give you. At the top it said "Your plan saved you $397.15". WHAT? So pretty much a two month supply is almost $440?? As much as I like to moan at paying almost 400 a month for COBRA (through my previous job) ..... it payed for itself today! What gets even better, I will be switched to my work insurance in April........same plan and everything! For this "Crohnie"......another blessing.

So then I got to thinking......how in the world do people pay for this stuff uninsured? I suppose through the government or through discounts from the manufacturers (think Montel Williams commercials). I can't imagine the worries that occur when people need these medications to stay alive or to keep some quality of life -- to then have to battle on a monthly basis to get them at a free or reduced cost.

What a minor and insignificant gripe I have had for several months forking over that ridiculously large check to keep insurance coverage. What a huge amount of gratitude I have tonight that I am able to do so.


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