Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Phone calls in the morning.....

I'm blog slacking. I know. I embrace it. I accept it. I will try to do better:)

That being said, I was getting ready for work a bit ago and got a phone call from my dad. Two things about calls from dad in the morning. 1. He never calls from work. 2. Its not usually a good thing. Well, he and my mom found out last night that one of their best friends in Florida passed away on Friday. So.....as I stood dripping water everywhere (I had just gotten out of the shower) several things hit me.......

1. The older my parents get and the older that I get, the more I redefine what 'old' is. I remember years ago when 40 seemed old to me......Ron was only 60. Too young.
2. Who am I/we to say 'too young'????? When our work is done here, we are called home by our Heavenly Father. Not on our time, but His. Have we lived each day - to the best of our ability- glorifying Him.......not other people or materialistic items or our self-serving desires?

I don't know if this is making much sense.......as I am very stunned at the moment. But......it was another reminder that we are here but a short time.........some longer than others.... but our time here is a but a blink when compared to the eternity that is offered. Open your eyes.

Our God is an awesome God!

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